Saturday, January 19, 2013

WnW Megalast Liquid Lip Color

Since the only place that I can find the latest Wn'W products is my local Walgreen's, I headed there to try to find the latest Fergie Collection and I also found the newest addition to their regular Megalast  line of lip products, The Megalast Liquid Lip Color. I decided to pick up some up. They offered a good range of color but I decide to go with the cream finish color because I am not really fond of  shimmer in my lip colors.

The cost about $2.99 but when i was at the store they had attached to them a coupon for a dollar off, so I ended up paying $1.99 for each. These were really affordable but sadly they were not what I expected.I was excited to try them, so as I got into my car I tried a pretty berry color and they were not at all like a lip gloss,which I thought that they were going to be.They are more of a liquid lipstick stain that dries to a matte finish.Now the problem is that you need very little product and I applied it like a lip gloss and as it dried I got sticky and almost lumpy as I rubbed my lips together. I tried whipping it off with a tissue but it just smeared it all over and it made me look like a crazy woman the worst part is that is will not come off so i had to get until I got home to try to wash it off. Luckily I did not have anywhere else to go. 

Left to Right: Click on my HyperPink, Back to the Fuchsia, and Red my Mind

Left to Right:Back to the Fuchsia,Click on my HyperPink,and Red my Mind

This is what the wand looks like::

Side View 
Front View
Here are some swatches:

Left to Right: Click on my HyperPink, Back to the Fuchsia, and Red my Mind
Freshly Apply before They Dry.

Once they Set 

Washed them with Water 

Washed with Water and Soap 

These are hard to to use. A little goes a long way and you need a very thin layer so it dries fast and try not to rub your lips together so it does not get lumpy once it dries. This lip color does not set as fast as I would like, and this makes it harder not to mess it up. I hag the hardest time making Click on my HyperPink work. If you mange to get this to set with out messing it up it wears well and it last a long lime. But it is easier to wear and use if you apply a gloss over it.To remove them you need an oil base remover because with regular soap and water this will not come of easily. 

Red my Mind

Back to the Fuchsia

Click on my HyperPink

Scent: None 
Size: 0.23 fl. oz.
Longevity: Very Long Wearing 
Taste: None
Price: $2.99
Availability: Where ever Wn'W is sold


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