Thursday, November 8, 2012

Loving my Smile

For quite a while I had known that I wanted to do something about my teeth, they had been looking a little bit too yellow and  I was not pleased. So when influenster offered to send me a box of Crest 3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects I knew that it was meant to be. 

This treatment will cost you around $49.99. It seem a little bit expensive right, well I thought so too  but when I read more into it you are only supposed to use this treatment up to twice within a 12 month period. So if you think about it, compared to other treatment it seem pretty affordable.This kit comes with 20 Whitening strips, you are supposed to use one once a day for 20 days. It says to apply the strips before brushing your teeth, wait 30 minutes and remove the strips, then brush your teeth.I use this at night before  going to bed, I put them on and leave them on while I'm getting ready for bed.These were an easy addition to my night routine and because it is so simple to apply them it easy to keep using them and not want to skip a night.  The question is do they work?
3D Whitestrip claims:
  • A whiter smile after just 3 days
  • Professional-level results at a fraction of the cost* *vs. light & laser systems
  • Full results in 20 days
  • Revolutionary Advanced Seal technology for no-slip whitening
  • New improved lower strip for more whitening coverage
The first claim is very true,I have been using this product for three days now and i do see a noticeable improvement in the color of my smile. These strips are quite comfortable and do not move around at all, so make sure that when you apply them; you cover the whole teeth surface because readjusting them can be a little tricky.The strips are large enough to cover all the front teeth and some on the sides of my mouth very well.The strip do not have any taste, so leaving them in my mouth for the 30 minutes is not uncomfortable.I can't compare them to a professional treatment like the one you get at the dentist because I have never had it done. but what I can say is that so far they do seem to be working well.

Every time I find myself in front of a reflective surface I can't help but smile.
After 3 Uses
A week ago I would have not even looked twice at it at the store but knowing what I know now I definitely feel the need to stop at the store and give the crest 3D White line a good look and try some of their other products.

UPDATE:It has been 10 days since I started using this product and I have not experienced any tooth sensitivity or any irritation on my gums.I still continue to see changes on the color of my teeth.
UPDATE:Its been 14 days since i started the treatment and I am starting to experience a little bit of sensitivity on my teeth mainly when cold hair hit my teeth, it is a little uncomfortable but not to the point that it bothers me too much.
UPDATE:Day 18 of the treatment and the sensitivity of my teeth has increased, I have experienced discomfort when eating cold item, and overall my teeth are a little sore, I thought of skipping a day of two but since there is only two days left I am sure it won't make much of a difference if I finish the treatment.  
Final Results: As you might have noticed in the other pictures I had a stain in the middle of my front left tooth. At the end of the treatment the stain is almost completely gone, and it is hard to even make out where it once was.The sensitivity went away after I stopped using these but even at the very end it was not too bad. I am not sure how long these results will last but as previously stated you can use these twice a year and that is something that I plan to do.I am so in love with the results and can not wait to try more of the products from the line.

So would I repurchased this?
Yes. I would repurchase it. 
*** I was sent this product for free by and was asked to honestly review this product***

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