Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Physicians Formula Nude Eyes Liners

Recently I was at CVS and found the newest collection of Physicians Formula Lines and Shadows called Nude Eyes; an expansion of a previously released collection. I had seen some pictures of the liquid metal liners online and really wanted to try them so when I saw them there I could not wait to get home and try them. But sadly when I was home I was so disappointed and here is why:

WHAT!!!!!!! Really why are they so small. I don't know if it my fault or I should have not expected anything but in the packaging they seem like they would be taller.When I opened the box my heart sank, I was so excited because I really like their cream liners so when they had these launched I could not wait to try them and I had high hopes.
Now this is not the only thing that disappointed me they have glitter in them,which its not bad, but these are a little sheer so when you apply more than one layer to try to get more color the glitter get all chunky and the liner ends up looking bumpy, not pretty. The champagne color is the best of all of them, it is the least chunky and the smoothest.This will cost you about $11.95 so for one shade it is not really worth it to me. These liner are okay but I do not recommend them.I don't really like them, which is sad because I really wanted to love theme but they just were not what I was expecting.

Three Layers 

Here are some more pictures:

I am not a big fan of returning products but I am really thinking about returning these. I don't think i will be using these any time soon.I don't enjoy writing negative reviews but I was just extremely disappointed in these. This is just my opinion, you might really enjoy these, if so leave you comments below and tell them how you made them work for you. 

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